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We breed Turkish Vans, in our home and in a lesser extent, with the purpose to
take an active interest in each and every litter to achieve social and pleasant
kittens. The kittens are registered in SVERAK where we are member through our
cat club SkKK. Right now, we are living with five turkish vans, one male and
four females, and a domestic cat.
When you buy a kitten from S*Tufvans it is:
* At least 12 weeks old when delivered
* Fully vaccinated against kattpest och kattsnuva
* Veterinärbesiktigad
* Registered in SVERAK
You will also get
* Membership in Vangoran for one year for one person.
* Help and advice if you want to ställa ut the cat, and of course a cat-lifetime-support.
Do you want know if we have any kittens coming?
Click on the picture to get more information.

You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions:
Leif Andersson & Anette Hansson
Arkeologvägen 81
226 54 Lund
+46 46 18 43 60